Today we are highlighting the PVM Admissions Team. Admissions and Recruitment Director Lori Stout, Assistant Director Austin Jennings, and Administrative Assistant Barbara Cochran, have been nominated by one of our staff members who said: “These three worked very hard to plan and orchestrate three very successful admissions interview days for our DVM Class of 2028. There were weeks of planning in order to make these days happen. They put in many hours on each of the three days, making sure they played out successfully and that all of our applicants made it to their interviews on time. Additionally, they set-up presentations about student organizations, provided tours, and more. Then, they took care of ending the day with a wonderful reception where the prospective students, current students, and faculty could mingle. Overall, each of the interview days was a very welcoming and successful day. Good job team!”
Fostering a healthy work environment involves expressing appreciation and gratitude. Is there someone at PVM you would like to acknowledge today? It’s easy to make a Paws Up submission – just follow this link. Submissions are published anonymously and may be edited for length. Any PVM staff, faculty, student, or team may be nominated by anyone in our college. For more information, visit the PVM Wellness Committee website.