When efforts to encourage the Indiana Legislature to support plans for the new David and Bonnie Brunner Purdue Veterinary Medical Hospital Complex were in full swing, the Indiana Farm Bureau came forward to advocate for the much needed new facilities on behalf of Indiana Agriculture. As a respected agriculture advocacy organization, the Farm Bureau’s strong endorsement was instrumental in the successful bid to gain $73 million in state funding for the structures. So, when the Farm Bureau’s Board of Directors came to campus for a board meeting on September 13, it was only natural for them to request a tour of the new veterinary hospitals and for the college to gladly oblige.
The group toured the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital‘s Brunner Small Animal, Equine, and Farm Animal Hospitals, as well as the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. The experience brought home the reality of the size, quality, and capability of the new hospital structures. Seeing the buildings in use enabled the board members to more fully understand the significant impact the new facilities are making on animal health care and veterinary medical education in Indiana.
As Indiana’s largest general farm organization, the Indiana Farm Bureau serves as an effective advocate for farmers, and, through its policies and programs, promotes agriculture and the improvement of the economic and social welfare of member families. Initially called the Indiana Federation of Farmers’ Associations, the organization was founded in 1919 by farmers who were determined to work together to solve the problems of low commodity prices and a diminished farm labor force.