Global Engagement Fair Celebrates PVM’s Leadership in Providing Opportunities Abroad

Friday, December 1, 2023

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Addison shares remarks with the group at the Global Engagement Fair in the library.
Addison Sheldon, director of Global Engagement at PVM, hosted the reception that highlighted the college’s international programs and honored students who completed the Global Engagement Certificate program.

The Veterinary Medical Library in Lynn Hall was the setting for a Global Engagement Fair held in celebration of Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s expanding global engagement opportunities and ever-increasing study abroad options for DVM and veterinary nursing students. Hosted by the college’s Office of Global Engagement, the event on October 6 also provided the perfect opportunity to recognize students who successfully completed the requirements for obtaining the PVM Global Engagement Certificate. The certificate program was created to inspire students to change the world through their future veterinary medical careers by providing them with the tools to better engage, exchange, and collaborate with the world around them. Congratulations to the following certificate recipients:

2nd year DVM students: Luke Bousema, Gabrielle Bressler, Tyler Bright, Jordan Chan, Micah Flahaven, Megan Gens, Jesus Hernandez, Kyra Holt, and Dustin Wagner

3rd year DVM students: Carissa Adrianson, Breanna Davis, Valeria Figueroa Ortiz, Zakk Franklin, Sydney Gehlhausen, Maddy Hanley, Allison Holahan, Madelyn Kuipers, Bridget Mallin, Brianna Newton, Madeleine Nunn, Christina Sabat, Lacey Schram, and Maria Yanez Diaz

4th year DVM students: Diana Ardjmand, Samantha Courtemanche, Jessica Sexton, and Maxine White

Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program student: Gwen White

Jordan examines a turtle on an exam table as two hospital staff members assist.
Jordan Chan, of the DVM Class of 2026, examines a turtle during a study abroad experience in Guatemala.
Students share their study abroad experiences with fellow students as they sit behind a table displaying photos and information on their experiences.
During the Global Engagement Fair, student representatives staffed informational booths for various study abroad programs, including Guatemala, South Africa, Brazil, and more.

The Global Engagement Fair also included the recognition of newly appointed International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) officers: President Jesus Hernandez, Senior Rep. Elliot Westrich, and Junior Rep. Liam Quaas. IVSA is the international branch of the Student American Veterinary Medical Association and now consists of over 38,000 members across 73 countries. Its mission is to benefit the animals and people of the world by harnessing the potential and dedication of veterinary students to promote the international application of veterinary skills, education, and knowledge. “It’s as important as ever that we remain well-informed of the issues facing the veterinary medical profession on a local, national, and international level,” Addison said. “I just know that our students will represent us well and do just that.”

Jesus Hernandez, president of the IVSA at Purdue, commented on the significance of the organization as well as its representation at the Global Engagement Fair. “As the president of Purdue’s IVSA chapter, I appreciate the organization’s commitment to fostering a global perspective among veterinary students,” said Jesus. “Our role is to create a supportive environment for students interested in international veterinary medicine, facilitating connections, and providing resources to enhance their education. The Global Engagement Fair aligns perfectly with IVSA’s mission, offering a centralized space for students to explore global opportunities.” The Global Engagement Fair featured display tables staffed by students who have completed study abroad programs in various countries around the world, allowing interested students to learn more about the international offerings of PVM. The event was structured as a reception with food representative of different regions of the world, which the students enjoyed as they took advantage of the opportunity to visit with fellow students, faculty, and staff who share their passion for international learning.

Addison and Dean Reed join the students against a photo backdrop as the students display their certificates of completion
Addison Sheldon and Dean Willie Reed recognized eight Global Engagement Certificate recipients who were able to attend the celebration (left-right): Bridget Mallin, Christina Sabat, Madeleine Nunn, Kyra Holt, Zakk Franklin, Jesus Hernandez, Jordan Chan, and Tyler Bright.

Writer(s): Madeline Brod, communications intern |

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