Dean Willie Reed Receives College of Agriculture Distinguished Service Award

Danica, Dean Reed, and Dean Engel smile together on stage against a black background as the dean holds up his honorary plaque
Purdue Veterinary Medicine Dean Willie Reed, recipient of the College of Agriculture Distinguished Service Award, with Ag Alumni Association Executive Director Danica Kirkpatrick and College of Agriculture Dean Bernie Engel at the Ag Alumni Fish Fry where the award was presented.

The annual Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry provided the setting recently for the presentation of a special award to Purdue Veterinary Medicine Dean Willie Reed. Held at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds Saturday, February 3, the event was hosted by the Purdue Ag Alumni Association and featured special speakers, exhibits, networking opportunities, and announcement of the 2024 recipients of the Ag Alumni Association’s Certificates of Distinction. In addition, the program this year included the awarding of a special honor only given in special instances.

Attended by Boilermaker alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends, the Ag Alumni Fish Fry program was kicked-off by Purdue President Mung Chiang, who described recent university successes and expressed his gratitude for the many advancements made by the College of Agriculture. Then Dr. Bernie Engel, the Glenn W. Sample Dean of the College of Agriculture, thanked attendees, special guests, and sponsors for their support, and provided a college update before pausing to make a special presentation that was a surprise to Dean Reed.

After inviting Dean Reed to come forward along with Ag Alumni Association Executive Director Danica Kirkpatrick, Dean Engel explained that as the dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Reed has been a terrific partner of the College of Agriculture for 17 years. “Ag and Vet Med often go hand-in-hand in many ways,” Dean Engel said. He noted that many students in the Department of Animal Sciences go on to enroll in the veterinary college and tremendous collaborative research is conducted across college of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine programs. Dean Engel also emphasized that cooperative extension touches both colleges, and noted that Dr. Reed also serves on the Ag Alumni Association Board of Directors.

“We greatly appreciate the leadership and support that he has provided over the years,” Dr. Engel said as he presented the College of Agriculture Distinguished Service Award to Dean Reed, who was recognized with a rousing round of applause. 

The program then continued with well-known retired agriculture broadcaster Max Armstrong serving as host as selected College of Agriculture faculty members shared comments and answered questions regarding advancements and the future potential in digital agriculture. The 2024 Ag Alumni Association Certificate of Distinction recipients also were announced. They are Ben Carter, Bud G. Harmon, Don Lehe, Freddie Bernard, Steve Nichols, and Tom Bechman. The Certificates of Distinction recognize individuals who have significantly contributed to agriculture, forestry, or natural resources through career accomplishments, involvement in professional organizations, community service, and other impactful activities in their fields.

Click here for more information and photos from the event

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr |

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