Purdue Veterinary Medicine Becomes Purdue’s First Engaged College!

Purdue veterinary medicine partners with the Indiana State Fair to provide veterinary care for the fair’s exhibition animals, coordinating all the veterinary services for the exhibition animals on the fairgrounds.
Purdue Veterinary Medicine partners with the Indiana State Fair to provide veterinary care for the fair’s exhibition animals, coordinating all the veterinary services for the exhibition animals on the fairgrounds.

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is participating in the University’s Engaged College Program (ECP), which is a new initiative developed by Purdue’s Office of Engagement to support colleges with the resources to focus on building, sustaining, assessing, bringing awareness to, and rewarding quality community engagement activities. Last Friday, August 23, it was announced that the College of Veterinary Medicine is the FIRST college to complete the Engaged College Program self-assessment and action plan!

This accomplishment reflects the work of the PVM task force, which, with input from others, self-assessed the college across 25 items and five dimensions. Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s three-year action plan focuses on two goals:

  • Increasing faculty, staff, and student awareness of Purdue’s definition of engagement and college engagement programs and opportunities.
  • Developing and implementing a standardized system for tracking, collecting metrics, and celebrating community engagement activities of faculty, staff and students.

“This process enabled us to take stock of all of the diverse engagement initiatives we have launched with communities across the globe,” said Dr. S. Kathleen Salisbury, interim dean of the college and associate dean for academic affairs. “As a result, we are inspired to expand awareness of all that we are accomplishing through these mutually beneficial collaborations that positively impact animal and public health.”

Many thanks to the task force members for their hard work in making this happen!

  • Sandy San Miguel, Associate Dean for Engagement and Professor, — Task Force Chair
  • Candace Croney, Associate Vice Provost for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, Director for Center for Animal Welfare Science, and Professor
  • Kenitra Hendrix, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Director and Clinical Associate Professor
  • Geoff Lossie, Director of Veterinary Extension and Clinical Assistant Professor
  • Ellen Lowery, Associate Dean for Hospital Operations, Chief Veterinary Officer, and Clinical Professor
  • Leanne Nieforth, Assistant Professor of the Human Animal Bond
  • Erin Phillips, Principal, Thomas Miller Elementary School
  • Malathi Raghavan, Director for Outcomes Assessment and Data Management and Clinical Associate Professor
  • Darryl Ragland, Section Head of Production Medicine and Professor
  • Ramon Roberts, DVM Student, Class of 2027
  • Addison Sheldon, Director for Global Engagement
  • Christina Wilson-Frank, Toxicology Section Head, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, and Clinical Professor

Click here to read more about Purdue University’s Engaged College Program.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr, Dr. Sandra San Miguel | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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