“Paws Up” – brought to you by the PVM Wellness Committee

Friday, July 19, 2024

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This week we’d like to give a big high-five to Heather Johnson, who is the schedule deputy and testing coordinator in Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Veterinary Administration. After Heather transitioned to the College of Veterinary Medicine, a fellow staff member stated, “Heather came into the position of schedule deputy and testing coordinator a few months ago, and took that role and ran with it! She works so hard to make learning better for the students in any way possible.” The nominator went on to praise Heather for also willingly and gladly taking on responsibility for the college’s Food Pantry after the staff member who had been managing it left. “I appreciate her excitement to keep the Food Pantry going strong. Heather is a very joy-filled person, who is always striving to better herself, the team she is working with and the college. She is always a strong supporter for what is best for the students and is willing to take on anything to help out her team. Thank you, Heather, for being a positive, outgoing and uplifting person. Keep up the good work!”

Fostering a healthy work environment involves expressing appreciation and gratitude. Is there someone at PVM you would like to acknowledge today? It’s easy to make a Paws Up submission. – just follow this link. Submissions are published anonymously and may be edited for length. Any PVM staff, faculty, student, or team member may be nominated by anyone in our college. For more information, visit the PVM Wellness Committee website.

Heather Johnson, Schedule Deputy and Testing Coordinator, Purdue Veterinary Medicine's Department of Veterinary Administration
Heather Johnson, schedule deputy and testing coordinator, Department of Veterinary Administration

Writer(s): PVM Wellness Committee | pvmnews@purdue.edu

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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