AAVLD Spotlights ADDL Toxicologist Christina Wilson-Frank

Friday, August 6, 2021

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Dr. Christina Wilson-Frank
Dr. Christina Wilson-Frank

“2001 Awardee’s – where are they today?”  That’s the intriguing headline for a feature article in a recent issue of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) newsletter that focuses on Dr. Christina Wilson-Frank, clinical associate professor of toxicology in the Department of Pathobiology, and head chemist at the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL).  The publication looked back on past award winners to see how their careers have unfolded. 

In the July issue, the newsletter highlighted the experiences of Dr. Wilson-Frank, 20 years after she won the AAVLD Foundation Best Student Presentation in 2001 for her paper on “Species comparison of the warfarin-sensitive enzyme vitamin K1 2,3-epoxide reductase” with co-authors G. P. Carlson, J. M. Sauer and S. B. Hooser.

Dr. Wilson-Frank earned her undergraduate degree in biological sciences at Purdue and then went on to earn her MS and PhD degrees as a graduate student the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Basic Medical Sciences in 2001 and 2006, respectively.  She currently is a member of the AAVLD/USAHA (United States Animal Health Association) Committee on Environment and Toxicology.

The feature on Dr. Wilson-Frank is written in a question-and-answer format.  Dr. Wilson-Frank recalls being introduced to the AAVLD while she was working as the assistant chemist in the Toxicology Section of the ADDL and attending graduate school part-time to complete her master’s degree in toxicology.  The head chemist in the Toxicology Section at the time was Dr. Robert Everson, who, along with Dr. Stephen Hooser, professor of toxicology and head of the Toxicology Section, encouraged her to participate in and attend the AAVLD annual meetings.

What goes around, comes around.  In 2016, Dr. Wilson-Frank joined ADDL colleague and Professor of Toxicology, Dr. Stephen Hooser, to recognize then veterinary student Elexa Baron (now Cribelar), a member of the DVM Class of 2018, on the occasion of her receiving the first place award in the American Board of Veterinary Toxicology’s Student Paper Competition.
What goes around, comes around. In 2016, Dr. Wilson-Frank joined ADDL colleague and professor of toxicology, Dr. Stephen Hooser, to recognize then veterinary student Elexa Baron (now Cribelar), a member of the DVM Class of 2018, on the occasion of her receiving the first place award in the American Board of Veterinary Toxicology’s Student Paper Competition.

Asked about her first experience attending an AAVLD national meeting, Dr. Wilson-Frank remembered it as being a very good experience because it gave her the opportunity to meet other veterinary toxicology colleagues and network and socialize with that group.  She also said she valued the opportunity to give a presentation in the Toxicology Scientific Session at that national meeting. “The encouraging and constructive feedback I received from those attending that session was helpful and, since it was my first oral presentation in a venue of that caliber, it helped build my confidence in giving oral presentations as a graduate student,” Dr. Wilson-Frank explained.

The interview also covered other subjects, including Dr. Wilson-Frank’s thoughts about how the AAVLD is working to meet the needs of today’s graduate students and technical staff.  Click here to view the complete feature in the July AAVLD newsletter.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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