Month: October 2018

Keep Your Pets Safe on “Howloween” by Being Mindful of the F.E.A.R. Factor

October 29, 2018

With scary costumes and tempting candy abounding, Halloween can be a frightening time for pet owners – and a risky time for pets, too. The American Animal Hospital Association encourages pet owners to protect their companion animals by being mindful of their F.E.A.R. – food, environment, attire, and recovery – to keep pets safe and happy on […]

PVM Professor Collaborates on Research Team Developing Alternative Treatment for MRSA Infections

October 26, 2018

Dr. Mohamed Seleem, professor of microbiology in Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Comparative Pathobiology, is part of a research team that is testing whether a light-active version of heme, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen in blood circulation, may help people infected with MRSA.

Upcoming Continuing Education Programs to Bring Experts to Lynn Hall

October 26, 2018

During the next three weeks, three separate Lifelong Learning events will bring experts on a range of topics to Lynn Hall for lectures and workshops.

PVM Family Program Series to “Focus” on Tiny Cameras Used for Surgery

October 26, 2018

The second PVM Family Program Series presentation of the fall semester features Dr. Micha Simons, clinical assistant professor of small animal surgery.

Every Day Star Award Program Recognizes VTH Employees for Hard Work and Compassionate Care

October 26, 2018

With the Every Day Star Award Program, Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty and staff have a new way to recognize Veterinary Teaching Hospital employees for a job well done.

In Memory: Dr. Rick L. “Doc” Rodgers (PU DVM ’76)

October 26, 2018

The Purdue Veterinary Medicine family is saddened by the loss of alumnus Rick L. “Doc” Rodgers (PU DVM ’76), of Knightsville, Ind., who died unexpectedly October 12.

PVM “Flips” for Veterinary Nurses during Appreciation Week

October 19, 2018

Purdue Veterinary Medicine celebrated Veterinary Nursing Appreciation Week with a variety of activities this week (October 14-20), including the ever-popular annual pancake breakfast served by the Veterinary Nursing Program staff.

Dean Reed Gives “State of the College” Address to PVM Students

October 19, 2018

Purdue Veterinary Medicine students gathered in Lynn 1136 Wednesday, October 17, for a lunchtime “State of the College” presentation by Dean Willie Reed. The students filled the lecture hall for the talk sponsored by SAVMA Purdue.

Atlanta TV Station Tells Story of PVM Comparative Oncology Research

October 19, 2018

A news team from Atlanta’s WSB-TV, an ABC-affiliate TV station, visited the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital recently to report on the game-changing possibilities of clinical trials involving naturally occurring cancer in dogs. In the feature story broadcast October 11 and made available online, Anchor/Reporter Tom Regan described research led by Dr. Deborah Knapp, Dolores L. McCall Professor of Comparative Oncology and director of the Purdue Comparative Oncology Program (PCOP).

Upcoming PVM Conference on Osteoarthritis Honors Memory of Professor Emeritus David Van Sickle

October 19, 2018

Osteoarthritis will be the focus of the inaugural David Van Sickle Musculoskeletal Days, which will be hosted by the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine November 9-10. Osteoarthritis is the most common orthopedic disease in man and animals.