
Our research explores human-animal interactions from a mixed methods biopsychosocial approach focused on human-canine and human-equine partnerships.

Our central focus is understanding the impacts of animal-assisted interventions on the participants and their families.

Most of our work is focused on either military-connected or civilian trauma.

We are passionate about understanding how we can partner with animals to create effective interventions for the benefit of both the people and the animals involved.

General Human-Animal Interation

Uncovering the profound connection between humans and animals, showcasing their roles in companionship, therapy, and shared activities.

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Human Canine-Interaction

Exploring the unique bond between humans and dogs, highlighting their roles in companionship, therapy, and collaborative activities.

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Human-Equine Interaction

Discovering the deep connection between humans and horses, their roles in companionship, therapeutic practices, and cooperative activities.

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