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Clinical Mentorship for Distance Learners

Clinical Mentorships are designed to allow the student to document acquisition of technical skills to the level required by Purdue University's Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning (VNDL) program. Students may need to utilize more than one veterinary facility to meet the AVMA species requirement.

Students will typically document most of the required technical skill tasks at the veterinary facility in which they are employed or with whom they have developed a volunteer or working relationship. The veterinary facility must meet certain basic requirements as they relate to available equipment and supplies. These are described in the logbook for each clinical mentorship (click on mentorships below to see the logbook as well as links to clinical mentorship Forms and instructions for completing them).

The type of required documentation is described in detail in the logbooks and may include narrated video recordings, submission of materials produced, or other objective documentation that will be reviewed by Purdue University instructors.

Mentorships may be done at any point in the program, providing the student has completed the prerequisite coursework. Some mentorships may be taken concurrently with a required course.

If you are interested in a mentorship, click on the appropriate link below. Once you have clicked on any of the individual mentorship links below, you will see links to the Forms that must be completed by the student or the mentorship facility/supervisor. There are instructions for completing each Form. The very last link is to the logbook for that particular mentorship.


General Clinical Mentorship

If you have general questions regarding clinical mentorships, you should contact Pam Phegley at 765-496-6809 or

VNDL Rabies Vaccination Policy & Information

Please visit the VNDL Rabies Pre-exposure Vaccination Policy and Information site for information about the policy, where to find the vaccine, and potential assistance programs.

Form Completion and Submission for Clinical Mentorship

If you have questions regarding the completion and submission of the clinical mentorship Forms, you should contact the Veterinary Nursing office at 765-496-6579 or

Important Mentorship Registration

Mentorship registration for courses will be delayed until all mentorship Forms are received, verified and processed at Purdue. Mentorship Forms should be completed by you and your mentorship supervisor/facility as early as possible to allow time for processing and override permission before the semester begins.

Failure to submit all required materials to the Veterinary Nursing office by 5:00 p.m. ET the Monday before classes begin will prevent a student from registering for the mentorship in that semester.

Clinical Mentorships

Additional Mentorship Information

Links are provided within the Student Acknowledgement and Mentorship Supervisor Forms that provide the text of the Code of Conduct, Health Risk and Insurance Acknowledgment, Release of Liability, and Technical Standards. The text can also be found via the links below, which are provided for your convenience, if you would like to read through the information prior to clicking on the Forms and completing them.