The Purdue Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Technology Program is excited to introduce two new advisors. Paige Allen, MS, RVT has been named assistant director of academic advising and recruiting and Shelly Opperman is joining the Veterinary Technology Program team as academic advisor. Veterinary Technology Program Director Bianca Zenor said, “Both Paige and Shelly bring diverse experience and a wealth of knowledge that will help our students with their academic careers in the Veterinary Technology Program.”

Paige Allen, MS, RVT
An instrumental member of the PVM Veterinary Technology Program, Paige has served as distance learning instructional technologist for the College’s Veterinary Technology Distance Learning Program since 1999. Her career at PVM has spanned 30 years beginning in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s Large Animal Hospital where she started as a food animal technologist. A registered veterinary technician, Paige earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Indiana Wesleyan and a master’s degree in instructional design from Purdue University in 2005. She also serves on the board of directors for the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC). Paige officially transitioned to her new position March 1, succeeding Beth Burnett. Meanwhile, Paige’s former position as distance learning instructional technologist will be back-filled until a replacement can be found.

Shelly Opperman
Shelly will begin in her new position as veterinary technology academic advisor beginning March 12. She currently serves as the career relations coordinator for the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources in the Purdue University College of Agriculture, helping form career connections between employers and students. Shelly earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University and has been employed by the University since 2000. Her office will be located in Lynn G117 and she can be reached by email at
Congratulations to both Paige and Shelly! Please drop them an email or give them a call to welcome them to their new positions.