Ashley Hopkins, of the DVM Class of 2020, with her research poster about innovative approaches to the treatment of Stapylococcus pseudintermedius infections.
Purdue veterinary student Ashley Hopkins, of the DVM Class of 2020, is one of only five students selected nationally by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Research to receive the AVMA/AVMF (American Veterinary Medical Foundation) 2nd Opportunity Research Scholarship for 2018. The scholarship provides support for students who have previously conducted a summer research project and are seeking to gain a second summer of research experience.
Ashley said she plans to continue assessment of a novel class of aryl isonitrile containing drugs against one of the most concerning pathogens in veterinary medicine, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. She wants to thank PVM Associate Dean for Research Harm HogenEsch and Associate Professor of Microbiology Mohamed Seleem in the Department of Comparative Pathobiology, whose contributions made her summer fellowship possible, and Associate Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine Lynn Guptill, for her mentorship. “Under her guidance, my laboratory skills have flourished and my understanding of some of the most pressing concerns related to infectious disease has grown,” said Ashley.
The meaningful work and discoveries she accomplished with Dr. Guptill underscored for her the critical role research plays in shaping medicine. Working on the discovery of novel therapies for antimicrobial resistance, an issue that may arguably be one of the most pressing of our time, has inspired her to pursue a career path in biomedical research. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue a PhD in microbiology with the goal of eventually becoming board certified by the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (ACVM).
AVMF Manager of Programs and Operations Cheri Kowal said, “The American Veterinary Medical Foundation and the American Veterinary Medical Association are pleased to reward veterinary students who are making contributions to the veterinary profession through accomplishments in research.” Congratulations, Ashley!