PVM Rolls out Welcome Mat as Prospective Students Put Best Feet Forward on Interview Days

Student Ambassadors and Dean Reed stop for a photo together during the reception in the library for prospective students
Dean Willie Reed with veterinary student ambassadors (left-right) Sophie Scheer, Naja Williams, and Riley Lautenschlager, all of the Class of 2025, at the reception that concluded the third day of DVM prospective student interviews January 23.

After a three-year hiatus, the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine resumed in-person interviews for prospective DVM students seeking admission to the next first-year class, the Class of 2028. A total of 211 applicants responded to invitations to come to Lynn Hall for one of three half-day interview sessions. The first session was held on Friday, December 1 for Indiana residents and the second and third sessions were offered to non-resident applicants on two consecutive Fridays last month, January 19 and 26.

Balloons decorate the entrance to the library where prospective students and their guests mingle with college faculty and students
A reception for prospective students and guests in the Veterinary Medical Library concluded each interview day as PVM student ambassadors, faculty and staff mingled with the applicants and their guests.

Throughout the afternoon on each of the interview days, the prospective students and their guests were able to hear presentations from PVM’s Wellness and Counseling Services, Global Engagement, and Purdue SAVMA. Additionally, Dean Willie Reed addressed each group, and the admissions team arranged tours of the new hospital facilities and coordinated student panel presentations. The afternoon programming on each interview day concluded with a reception in the Veterinary Medical Library where current PVM student ambassadors enthusiastically greeted the interviewees and answered questions.

“I’d really like to give special recognition to the DVM and Veterinary Nursing (VN) student ambassadors who helped with each interview day,” said Lori Stout, director of admissions and recruitment. The VN student ambassadors led non-stop tours of the hospital from 1:00-5:00 p.m. during each of the afternoons, and the DVM student ambassadors were on-hand throughout the afternoons to escort the interviewees to their interviews as well as to serve on the student panel. They also helped each day with set up and clean up.

“Special thanks also go to Admissions and Recruitment Assistant Director Austin Jennings and Barb Cochran, administrative assistant, as well as Amanda Taylor, lead administrative assistant in Student Services, for all their hard work in helping plan and execute three VERY successful interview days,” Lori said.

The Admission Committee’s next steps in the admissions process involve selecting which of the interviewed students will receive letters of acceptance. A total of 1,777 applications for admission were received. 

Thank you to each of the following student ambassadors who helped with the interview days:

Class of 2025
  • Megan Colborn
  • Sydney Gehlhausen
  • Riley Lautenschlager
  • Marissa Ramon
  • Sophie Scheer
  • Cameron Vaughn
  • Naja K. Williams               
  • Kaitlyn Wolfe
Class of 2026
  • Brianna Bernath
  • Melanie Figueroa
  • Mollie Madigan
  • Andrew Montgomery
  • Victoria Potter
  • Kendall Sattler
  • Kennedy Smith
Class of 2024
  • Amber Bakker
  • Kyra Dabbert
  • Bailey Hendricks
  • Brooke Hopkins
  • Monica Robinson

Writer(s): Lori Stout and Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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