PVM Junior Veterinarians Honored at Ceremony

Class of 2019 group photo

The Purdue DVM Class of 2019 sports a new look in a class photo taken at the conclusion of Sunday’s (April 15) White Coat Ceremony in Fowler Hall.

Members of the Purdue Veterinary Medicine Class of 2019 reached a major milestone Sunday afternoon (April 15) as they took part in the College’s White Coat Ceremony held in Stewart Center’s Fowler Hall. Sponsored by Elanco Animal Health and Hill’s Pet Nutrition, the event, now in its 17th year, recognizes students entering their final year of the DVM program with a ceremonial donning of white coats symbolizing their new role as junior veterinarians.

PVM Dean Willie Reed began the ceremony by thanking the many families, friends, and loved ones in attendance for the special occasion. “It is now time to celebrate the ‘rite of passage’ for our third-year veterinary students,” Dean Reed said.  “Class of 2019, the donning of the white coat symbolizes your new role as junior veterinarians.  The white coat indicates your acceptance of your great responsibility toward your patients and clients, your commitment to show compassion and empathy, and to make a positive difference in the life of every animal and person with whom you come into contact.”

Dean Reed then reminded the students that they are just a few weeks away from the time when they will begin their clinical year and start interacting with Veterinary Teaching Hospital clients as veterinary professionals.  “This is a big responsibility!”  The dean then turned the program over to Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Kathy Salisbury, who called the members of the Class of 2019 to the stage individually to receive their white coats.  The students also were congratulated by representatives of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association, who provided each class member with an engraved name badge.  After the ceremony the students gathered for a class picture in their new white coats.

The ceremony also included the presentation of awards recognizing individual members of the class for special accomplishments.   The following award-winners were honored:

  • Betsy Pray – Dr. William W. Carlton Award for Aptitude in Veterinary Pathology
    Recognizing a third-year student who has shown aptitude in the study of pathology
  • Abbie Haffner – Indiana Horse Council Equine Industry Award
    Chosen by peers as having provided the greatest exposure of the equine industry to other students
  • Kelsey Trumpp – Holly Watts Memorial Award
    Honoring a student with exceptional interest and proficiency in non-domestic animal medicine
  • Allison Culp – Simmons & Associates Business Aptitude Award
    In recognition of a student who expresses interest in and aptitude for the business of private veterinary practice

Also during the ceremony, Kimberly Lutz, of the DVM Class of 2018, who is just finishing her fourth year, shared words of wisdom with the third-year students.  Additionally, Dr. Andrew Woolcock, assistant professor of small animal internal medicine, shared advice with the Class of 2019.  Dr. Woolcock was selected to speak by a vote of the class members.  He has taught the class of 2019 during their third-year in the medicine courses.  Dr. Woolcock also will teach them in the small animal medicine rotation during their fourth year.

Dean Reed concluded the program by congratulating the Class of 2019 on reaching this pivotal point in their training.  “The next year will be a phenomenal learning experience!  Immerse yourself in it so you can become the best veterinarian you can be – and have fun!”   The ceremony was followed by a reception for the students and their families and friends.

Photos of the White Coat Ceremony were taken by professional photographer Ed Lausch and are available on his website to be viewed and purchased online at www.lauschphotography.com.  Enter the Username “pudvmwhitecoat” and the Password “15april2018” to view the photos. Congratulations to the DVM Class of 2019!

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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