PVM Ensures that Animal Health is Included in Purdue’s Healthy Boiler Fair

Purdue University Veterinary Hospital Marketing and Communications Manager Kelly Dold shares information about the hospital’s services with attendees at the Healthy Boiler Fair in the Purdue Memorial Union.
Purdue University Veterinary Hospital Marketing and Communications Manager Kelly Dold shares information about the hospital’s services with attendees at the Healthy Boiler Fair in the Purdue Memorial Union.

When the Purdue Memorial Union Ballroom doors opened for the Healthy Boiler Fair recently, the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital was among the Purdue services and departments represented.  The event on Wednesday, October 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., featured an exhibit area that included tables and displays staffed by more than 30 vendors and departments from Purdue and the community.  The goal of the Healthy Boiler Fair is to provide benefits-eligible Purdue faculty and staff easy access to information about their benefits as employees.

The PVM booth gave attendees a chance to learn about the services of the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital. Information shared included details about the opportunity Purdue employees and students at the West Lafayette campus have to access the hospital’s Small Animal Primary Care service for veterinary care for their pets, whether dogs, cats or exotic pets. 

Additionally, the PVM booth gave attendees a chance to check out Purdue’s new Pete’s Pets Club that enables Boilermaker pet owners to celebrate their love for the old gold and black with their furry companions by purchasing a membership for their dog or cat.  New members receive a Purdue-themed welcome kit and a portion of the membership cost supports PVM’s Priority 4 Paws Program and Purdue Athletics.  The PVM booth was organized and staffed by Kelly Dold, marketing and communications manager for the Veteinrary Hospital and Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. Other vendors and services represented at the Healthy Boiler Fair included Purdue Human Resources – Benefits, Anthem Inc., Carrum Health, Fidelity Investments, HSA Bank, and Rx Savings Solutions. Additionally, attendees had a chance to win several door prizes, provided courtesy of a number of the vendors.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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