An annual awards ceremony to recognize outstanding staff in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine included presentations of plaques and certificates as well as hearty shouts of “Bravo!” The program April 22 in Lynn Hall 1136 began with the presentation of the 2024 Outstanding Staff Awards and concluded with recognition of the recipients of spring Bravo Awards.
PVM Dean Willie Reed started the ceremony by thanking everyone in attendance for joining him in celebrating the outstanding accomplishments of Purdue Veterinary Medicine staff and faculty members who would be honored during the program. “Formally recognizing the significant achievements of these individuals is an important tradition in our college,” Dean Reed said. He then presented two Outstanding Staff Awards, which recognize excellent performance by the College of Veterinary Medicine’s non-faculty, full-time employees.
“Excellent staff members are vital to the success of an organization, often working behind the scenes and out of the limelight,” Dean Reed explained. “With can-do attitudes, a knack for knowing how to get things done, and friendly demeanors that spark energy and enthusiasm, these unsung heroes contribute to a positive and productive work environment.”
The first 2024 Outstanding Staff Award was presented to Cristy Rice, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL) business assistant lead. Cristy was recognized for exceptional performance of assigned duties above and beyond that ordinarily expected of the position. Praising her as a pro-active problem solver who is tenacious and responsive to department and client needs, Dean Reed said she went above and beyond in ensuring that client billing is accurate by proactively seeking clarity on submissions to her office. He also pointed out how Cristy is always willing to help her colleagues when they are out of the office or need her support in trouble-shooting various business office processes. Additionally, he highlighted her integral role in the successful launch of the ADDL’s new Canine Genetic Testing program.

Dean Reed then presented the second Outstanding Staff Award for 2024 to Sarah Schroeder, RVT, who serves as the Canine Educator coordinator and the teaching animal protocol technologist in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. She was recognized for her excellence in enhancing the public image of the college and excellence in public and professional services and relations.
“Sarah, thank you so much for going above and beyond in your job responsibilities of caring for and advocating for our Canine Educators,” Dean Reed said as Sarah stepped forward to receive her award. Noting her outstanding work ethic that is reflected in her use of her veterinary nursing skills in the care of the Canine Educators, Dean Reed praised her for the way she seeks opportunities for outreach across campus and keeps the Canine Educators on a social calendar that engages the community, promoting positive public awareness of the college. “Your colleagues see you as a true team player who is supportive of their roles, and also who fosters a positive and inclusive work environment,” Dean Reed said. “You inspire and motivate others with your positive attitude and dedication.”

Next Dean Reed honored a member of the college’s research staff by presenting the PVM Outstanding Research Staff Award. “Non-faculty research staff-members play very important roles in the discovery mission of our college, and are indispensable in their respective units and laboratories,” Dean Reed explained before announcing that the 2024 Outstanding Research Staff Award recipient is Christa Crain, research versa technician in the Department of Veterinary Administration.
“Christa is being recognized for her performance over and above the call of duty, her attitude of selfless dedication to the development and growth of research programs, and her excellence in research initiative and collaboration,” Dean Reed said. “Thank you so much for all that you do to further research and collaboration through the Center for Clinical and Translational Research. Handling the preclinical laboratory is a very rigorous job and you perform it so well.”
Dean Reed went on to praise Christa for her high ethical standards and her attention to detail in designing research protocols. He added, “What is most impressive to me, is that you continue to perform at this high level at a time when your lab has experienced almost 100% growth from last year to this year.”
The focus of the awards program then transitioned to recognizing staff and faculty members who have completed the Online Certificate Program for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. Emphasizing that diversity and inclusion are key components of the college’s values and culture, Dean Reed said, “I am proud of these individuals for their commitment to promoting a collegial work and learning environment enhanced by diversity and equity.” The dean then announced the most recent trio of staff members to complete the program:
- Holly Englert, assistant director of academic advising in the Student Services Office
- Michelle Schmierer, technologist in the Clinical Pathology Laboratory
- Laurie Shadle, academic advisor for the Veterinary Nursing Program

Then Dean Reed presented the college’s Staff Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award to Pam Phegley, RVT, clinical rotation/mentorship coordinator for the Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program. Dean Reed praised Pam for her impressive career at the college, emphasizing that her dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion has been paramount in her success. “Through your roles involving mentoring and educating our students, you have incorporated DEI content in your lessons to ensure that we educate students on critical issues and equip them with the skills to improve relationships and foster an inclusive atmosphere both here on campus and in their future workplaces.”
In addition, Pam has served as a member of the Diversity Action Committee for many years, reflecting her commitment to institutional change. “You also have volunteered for many other strategic planning committees and recruiting initiatives to help us advance our mission of incorporating DEI throughout the college,” Dean Reed noted.

The awards ceremony concluded with the presentation of Bravo Awards, which recognize employees who have achieved substantial accomplishments that extend well beyond regular work responsibilities. Award winners may be recognized in any of these four categories: Moving the University Forward; Innovation and Creativity; Operational Excellence; and Fiscal Stewardship. The recipients each received a certificate and a cash award. Additionally, as each honoree came forward to receive the certificate, Dean Reed led the audience in shouting out a hearty “BRAVO!” Congratulations to the following Bravo Award recipients:
- Sierra Armbruster, RVT, Emergency and Critical Care Veterinary Technologist, for Innovation and Creativity
- Dennis Barnett, PVMIT Site Specialist Manager, for Operational Excellence and Fiscal Stewardship
- Crystal Bradford, Lead Administrative Assistant to the head of the Department of Comparative Pathobiology and VPTH/VPRB Building Deputy, for Operational Excellence
- Katherine (Katie) Beard, RVT, Small Animal Internal Medicine Veterinary Technologist Supervisor, for Operational Excellence
- Megan Brashear, RVT, VTS (ECC), Veterinary Nursing Senior Manager, for Moving the University Forward and Innovation and Creativity
- Luis Gonzalez, PVMIT Administrative Clerk, for Operational Excellence
- Julie Lucies, Animal Caretaker in the Small Animal Hospital, for Operational Excellence
- Katrina Mijatovich, Linen Room Service Worker in the Veterinary Hospital, for Operational Excellence
- Farren Osborn, Molecular Laboratory Technician in the ADDL, for Operational Excellence and Moving the University Forward
- Abigail (Abby) Props, Pathology Laboratory Supervisor in the ADDL, for Operational Excellence
Additionally, two Group Bravo Awards were presented. The first recognized the ADDL Accessioning Team of Amber Furr, Aimee Highland, Anji Lee and Margie Veverka for doing exemplary work even as their sample intake nearly doubled due to the launching of new canine genetic testing. Then, even more samples were added to their workload in conjunction with the Avian Influenza outbreak.
The second Group Bravo Award was presented to the Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program (VNDL) team of Dr. Jessica Christensen, Bethany Gray, RVT, and Courtney Waxman, RVT. This team was recognized for redesigning VNDL courses. The team members’ accomplishments included submitting successful grant applications that brought in a total of $36,600 to the program. Additionally, their work redesigning the online courses enhanced the quality and accessibility of online education and advanced Purdue University objectives by improving graduation rates and academic performance.
Congratulations to all the award recipients honored at the 2024 Outstanding Staff and Bravo Awards Ceremony! Following the ceremony, the honorees and members of the audience were invited to reconvene at the Veterinary Medical Library across the hall for a reception.