Purdue Veterinary Nursing Student Wins IVTA Golden Stethoscope Award

Stephanie smiles holding her award plaque with Crystal and Myranda standing on either side of her outside the VPTH building on campus
Veterinary Nursing student Stephanie Stewart receives the IVTA Golden Stethoscope Award from IVTA President Crystal Schaeffer (right) and IVTA Central Indiana District Representative Myranda Stoner.

Monday, April 24, proved to be a special day in class for Purdue University Veterinary Nursing student Stephanie Stewart. That’s when she learned she won the Indiana Veterinary Technician Association’s (IVTA) Golden Stethoscope Award. The award recognizes exemplary veterinary nursing students who have the fortitude to represent the veterinary nursing profession through communication with veterinarians, patient advocacy, and a holistic approach to patient management.

Stephanie is a member of the Veterinary Nursing Class of 2025. To recognize her, the award was presented at the start of one of her classes on this the last week of spring semester classes. Instructional Technologist Jennifer Smith, RVT, RLATG, announced the award and then the commemorative plaque and a check for $350 were formally presented to Stephanie by IVTA President Crystal Schaeffer, BS, RVT, and IVTA Central Indiana District Representative Myranda Stoner, RVT. 

Stephanie was chosen for the award out of a field of nominees from across the state. As part of the selection process, three nominees from each AVMA accredited veterinary nursing/technician program in Indiana were chosen by program instructors from among current degree-seeking students. The nominees then had to submit an essay outlining why they should be selected to receive the award. Stephanie’s essay was picked as the winning entry, and the two IVTA representatives who presented the award drove up from Indianapolis in order to congratulate Stephanie in person.

Indeed, congratulations Stephanie! 

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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