Purdue VCS Graduate Students Win Honors at American Dairy Science Annual Meeting

Jillian and Natnicha stand smiling beside their respective research posters displayed at the event
Purdue Veterinary Clinical Sciences Department graduate students Jillian Grantz and Natnicha Taechachokevivat stand by their winning research posters in the Purina Animal Nutrition Graduate Student Poster Contest at the American Dairy Science Annual Meeting.

Two graduate students in Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences received recognition this week at a major dairy sciences conference. Jillian Grantz and Natnicha Taechachokevivat, researchers in the laboratory of Dr. Rafael Neves, assistant professor of food animal production medicine, both placed in the Purina Animal Nutrition Graduate Student Poster Contest held as part of the American Dairy Science Annual Meeting (ADSA) in Ottawa, Ontario. 

  • Jillian placed 2nd in the Dairy Production – MS Division, for her poster entitled, “Plasma Oxylipin Profile of Postpartum Dairy Cows Categorized into Different Inflammatory Grades in the First Week After Parturition;”
  • Natnicha placed 2nd in the Dairy Production – PhD Division, for her poster entitled, “Use of Long Short-Term Memory Models with Integrated Cow-level Data for Early Prediction of Clinical Ketosis in Dairy Cows.”

“This is a significant achievement as they participated in a national competition occurring in one of the most impactful conferences in the dairy sciences worldwide,” said Dr. Neves. “ADSA conference registrants are mostly from the US and Canada but it is well-represented by registrants from several other countries. Jillian and Natnicha were officially recognized at the awards ceremony held Tuesday night (June 27).”

Congratulations Jillian and Natnicha!

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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