Promoted PVM faculty members are congratulated at a reception held Thursday, April 19 in the Continuum Café.

Dean Willie Reed with Dr. Niwako Ogata, who was promoted to associate professor of animal behavior.
The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine continued a long-standing tradition when Dean Willie Reed congratulated seven faculty members on their promotions during the annual PVM Promotions Reception Thursday, April 19, in the Continuum Café. The café was set-up to showcase hand-drawn illustrations of the faculty members by PVM Professor of Medical Illustration David Williams.

Dr. Craig Thompson, clinical associate professor of veterinary clinical pathology, is recognized as his hand-drawn illustration by Professor of Medical Illustration David Williams is unveiled during the Promotions Reception.
“Thank you so much for coming as we celebrate these milestones in the careers of our faculty,” Dean Reed said at the start of the event, before moving around the café to unveil each piece of art. “Let me say on behalf of the faculty, staff, and students, congratulations on this amazing milestone in your careers.” Dean Reed also thanked Professor Williams for his drawings. “This nice, artistic work is a wonderful tradition that we have in Purdue Veterinary Medicine,” Dean Reed said.
This year, two faculty members were promoted to full professor, four to associate professor, and one to clinical associate professor. Congratulations to the following promoted faculty!
Full Professor:
- Lynetta Freeman, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
- Mohamed Seleem, Comparative Pathobiology
Associate Professor:
- Niwako Ogata, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
- Maggie O’Haire, Comparative Pathobiology
- Hsin-Yi Weng, Comparative Pathobiology
- GuangJun Zhang, Comparative Pathobiology
Clinical Associate Professor
- Craig Thompson, Comparative Pathobiology
Dean Willie Reed with promoted PVM faculty members (left-right) Dr. Craig Thompson, Dr. GuangJun Zhang, Dr. Hsin-Yi Weng, Dr. Niwako Ogata, Dr. Maggie O’Haire and Dr. Mohamed Seleem (Dr. Lynetta Freeman was not able to attend the reception).