Heartfelt Thank You from the Class of 2020 Yields Heartfelt Response

Faculty and staff were pleasantly surprised this week with a token of gratitude by the College’s Class of 2020. Along with a delivery of donuts and fruit to the Small and Large Animal Hospitals, the class shared a note that read:

Dear everyone who has helped us along the way,

Thank you. Over the past year, you have stood beside us and supported us as we have navigated how to be baby doctors. You have taught us. You have comforted us. You have molded us.

This is absolutely not how many of us pictured this experience ending – these are not the goodbyes we wanted to say soon. You have all contributed to this past year’s experience in your own unique and individual ways. Thank you for pouring yourself into ensuring that we will be the best doctors we can be in just several short weeks.

There are not enough words to express our gratitude.

Thank you for everything,

PVM Class of 2020

This thoughtful expression touched many of our clinicians and staff during this stressful time. In a response back to the class, Associate Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine Sandy Taylor shared, “I just wanted to say thank you for your note and the goodies that you left in LA5 today. Your heartfelt note brought some of us nearly to tears. Know that we are sending virtual hugs and high-fives for your amazing accomplishments; we’re so proud of you and wish we could see each of you walk across that stage in May. Please reach out if you need any of us in the future. Best of luck! Stay healthy, and DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE. :)”

While this is most assuredly not the ending any of us would have wished at a time normally reserved for celebrating the achievements of our graduating students, and even as strange as everything feels right now, we know this is no reflection on the incredible careers that lie ahead for our Class of 2020, and the impact that you are going to make as veterinary professionals going forward. There is much more that could be said, but Chunk says it best: we miss you!

Writer(s): Allison Carey | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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