Former VCS Department Head Ralph Richardson Receives Kansas State Alumni Recognition Award

Dr. Ralph C. Richardson
Dr. Ralph C. Richardson

A veterinarian who came to Purdue for a small animal medicine and surgery internship in 1972, and went on to join the faculty and serve as head of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Dr. Ralph C. Richardson, is the recipient of Kansas State University’s 2024 Alumni Recognition Award. The award was presented during an alumni reception held in Kansas City, Missouri August 24 in conjunction with the annual Fetch dvm360 Conference.

The Alumni Recognition award is given to veterinarians in grateful recognition for time and effort devoted to advancing veterinary medicine and for being an exemplary role model for future alumni in a professional and community setting. Dr. Richardson served on the Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty for 22 years before being appointed as dean of the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1998, a position he held until his retirement in 2015.

“It is an honor and a privilege to recognize Dr. Richardson for his longtime leadership and dedication to both the veterinary college and the university,” said Dr. Bonnie Rush, the Hodes Family Dean of the K-State’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “Dr. Richardson’s career demonstrates how his education at K-State led him to unique career paths as a veterinarian, instructor and administrator. We are proud to present this award in recognition of his enduring legacy and impact on the college and the veterinary profession.”

Raised in Manhattan, Kansas, Dr. Richardson earned his DVM degree from K-State in 1970. After serving two years as a captain in the United States Army Veterinary Corps and then completing his Purdue small animal medicine and surgery internship, he entered a small animal internal medicine residency at the University of Missouri-Columbia. After completing the residency in 1975, he spent a year in private practice in Miami, Florida, before returning to Purdue to join the clinical faculty.

A diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) and a charter diplomate on the ACVIM Specialty of Oncology, Dr. Richardson completed a training program in clinical oncology at the University of Kansas Medical School, and consulted in private practice in Chicago prior to his Purdue career. During his time as a Purdue faculty member and Veterinary Clinical Sciences Department head, Dr. Richardson helped establish its Comparative Oncology Program for pets with naturally occurring cancer that are animal models for humans with cancer. Dr. Richardson also provided leadership to grow the veterinary teaching, research and extension programs at Purdue.

“I’m thrilled to receive the alumni recognition award,” Dr. Richardson said. “Being an alumnus of K-State has provided me with a foundation upon which every step of my career has been built. Our veterinary college teachers instilled a ‘can do’ attitude and a sense of practicality in us that has helped me tremendously. Whether in the military, private practice, clinical teaching, research, administration or serving on committees and boards, my K-State roots have served me well.”

Dr. Richardson is past president of the Veterinary Cancer Society, the ACVIM Specialty of Oncology, and the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians. He also served in several roles in the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) and holds membership in numerous professional veterinary medical associations and organizations including the AVMA and Kansas Veterinary Medical Association. After retiring, Dr. Richardson continued serving his alma mater as dean and CEO of the K-State Olathe campus from 2015 to 2019.

Congratulations Dr. Richardson!

Writer(s): Kansas State University |

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