A young Purdue Homecoming guest tries his hand at “Tick Toss” at the Purdue Veterinary Medicine booth along “Tent Row” during the annual Purdue Homecoming festival Saturday, September 22.

Wearing a #9 Drew Brees football jersey, Carmella, the canine companion of Dr. Paulo Gomes, is ready to greet visitors at the PVM “Kissing Booth.”

Thank you to all the PVM booth volunteers (left-right): veterinary students Niki Cruz (Ross University) with her dog Mouse, Natalie Gregory, Sydney Byerley, and Tara Patrick; along with Dr. Lori Corriveau, SACP wellness clinician; and Carmella, who belongs to Dr. Paulo Gomes.
Purdue Veterinary Medicine was on display for Purdue alumni, football fans, and community residents last weekend at “Tent Row,” which was part of the Homecoming Celebration Saturday, September 22, on Stadium Mall before the Purdue vs. Boston College Homecoming football game. The PVM booth captivated the attention of many passersby, especially children, with the help of Carmella, a mixed-breed dog belonging to Dr. Paulo Gomes, clinical assistant professor of dermatology, and Mouse, the fur baby belonging to clinical year student Niki Cruz from Ross University. Small Animal Primary Care (SAPC) Wellness Clinician Lori Corriveau (PU DVM ’99) and several fourth-year veterinary students in the SAPC rotation were on-hand to educate visitors on Lyme disease and the importance of flea and tick preventatives and to answer other veterinary questions.
The PVM tent included a variety of activities, such as a Kissing Booth featuring Carmella garbed in Purdue football attire associated with Purdue favorite Drew Brees and adorned with a stuffed tick toy for the occasion; the “Wheel of Tick” trivia game; and a “Tick Toss.” Joining Dr. Corriveau, Carmella, Mouse, and Niki at the booth were fourth-year DVM students Sydney Byerley, Natalie Gregory, and Tara Patrick. A big thank you to all the booth volunteers and PVM Director of Alumni Relations and Special Events Susan Xioufaridou who coordinated the booth details and helped represent the College at the event.