The sixth annual Purdue Veterinary Nursing Symposium will be held in Lynn Hall on Sunday, March 22, providing veterinary assistants, veterinary nursing or technology students, and veterinary nurses/technicians the opportunity to obtain up to 7.5 continuing education credits. Both small and large animal sessions will be offered during the symposium, and attendees will learn practical information that they can apply in practice.
Small animal topics covered at the symposium will include neurology, oncology, clinical pathology, radiology, and anesthesiology. Large animal sessions will address the topics of equine medicine, equine behavior, equine shoeing and foot problems, and llama and alpaca dentistry. A keynote lecture on CBD products will conclude the day with Saralyn Sharp, RVT, VTS (CP-SA, Canine/Feline), giving a presentation entitled, “Clearing the Fog Around CBD Oil.”
New for 2020, the symposium will feature an optional wet lab on clinical pathology. Pam Schendel, BS, RVT, VTS (Clinical Pathology) and Dan Walsh, MS, RVT, VTS (Clinical Pathology), will present the wet lab following a clinical pathology lecture earlier in the day. The wet lab will include a demonstration of a rapid, logical approach to the blood film as well as discussion about other hints for obtaining the most accurate data from a hematology instrument. The wet lab requires an additional $15 fee, and is limited to 20 participants.
During the symposium, the Vet Shoppe will be open from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., and will be accepting pre-orders for pick up at the event. Click here for more information about the symposium. Click here to register.
Early bird registration rates apply for those who register by Sunday, March 1. The event is sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Elanco, and Vetamac.