Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s newest graduates celebrated commencement Sunday, May 12, with family and friends, first at the Purdue University Commencement Ceremony in the Elliott Hall of Music, and then at the College of Veterinary Medicine Oath Ceremony, which followed in the Purdue Memorial Union ballrooms. The Oath Ceremony included remarks by special guests and featured the administration of both the Veterinary Technician’s Oath and the Veterinarian’s Oath.

“On this wonderful graduation day, we have a special opportunity to continue a long-held and beloved tradition of our College,” Dean Willie Reed said as he began the Oath Ceremony. “At Purdue, our goal is to educate the entire veterinary medical team – a team that is inclusive and cohesive. In recognition of that goal, we have unified the oath ceremonies for veterinary nurses and veterinarians in one program, and we are so pleased to have each one of you here for this event today.”
The graduates then heard from both the president of the Purdue Veterinary Alumni Association, Dr. John Feutz (PU DVM 2005), and the president of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. Matt Cantrell (PU DVM 2010). Next, Tami Lind (PU BS-VT 2010), a registered veterinary technician who serves as Intensive Care Unit / Emergency Critical Care technologist supervisor in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, spoke in her role as president of the Indiana Veterinary Technician Association.

The proceedings also included remarks by class responders. The Veterinary Nursing Class Responder, Lauren Anctil, RVT, addressed her classmates just before Dr. Bianca Zenor, Veterinary Nursing Program director, called them onto the stage, reading each name, beginning with the associate degree graduates, and then the Baccalaureate degree graduates. Sarah Lahrman, RVT, oncology technologist in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, then stepped to the podium as the one selected by the students to lead them in reciting the Veterinary Technician Oath.

Next, Dean Reed returned to the podium to address the DVM graduates. “Four years ago, you were welcomed into the Purdue University DVM program,” Dean Reed said. “Today the Class of 2019 becomes the 57th Purdue DVM class to celebrate commencement and take the Veterinarian’s Oath. That realization should be a great encouragement to you – 56 classes of Purdue DVM alumni have gone before you, equaling over 3,400 veterinarians, who have demonstrated that their Purdue education prepared them to succeed in one of the greatest professions on the planet.” He then introduced the DVM Class Responder, Dr. Betsy Pray. After Dr. Pray’s comments, Dr. Kathy Salisbury, associate dean for academic affairs, stepped to the podium and introduced the 84 members of the DVM Class of 2019, who took their positions on the stage. With the class assembled on risers, Dean Reed invited all veterinarians in attendance to stand and join in the recitation of the Veterinarians’ Oath.
The ceremony concluded with a grand photo-op as the Veterinary Nursing graduates returned to the stage and Dean Reed recognized the entire PVM Class of 2019. A reception in the South Ballroom followed the ceremony. Congratulations to all veterinarians and veterinary nurses in the Class of 2019!