PVM Concludes 2024 with Recognition of Service Anniversaries and Award-winning Staff

Carlene Linn (center) and Pam Phegley were each recognized by Dean Bret Marsh for their 40 years of service to Purdue University.
Carlene Linn (center) and Pam Phegley were each recognized by Dean Bret Marsh for their 40 years of service to Purdue University.

As 2024 came to a close at Purdue University, the College of Veterinary Medicine continued a long-standing tradition of celebrating staff service anniversaries and recognizing staff and faculty accomplishments at the Staff Service Recognition Ceremony. Held in Lynn 1136 on Wednesday, December 18, the ceremony honored more than 70 PVM personnel.

Purdue Veterinary Medicine Dean Bret Marsh began the ceremony by thanking everyone for coming. “What a wonderful way to wrap up this awesome year for our College—with a celebration of our amazing team members,” Dean Marsh said before honoring the loyalty of staff members by introducing those celebrating significant anniversary milestones. Staff members were recognized for every five years of service to the university, from 10 years all the way up to 40 years. As their names were called, the honorees stepped forward to be congratulated and receive a recognition gift. Then, after everyone within a particular anniversary group had been introduced, they paused for a group picture at the front of the room.

Though not all of the honorees were able to attend, they all were announced during the ceremony. Congratulations to all of the following who were recognized for their service anniversaries:

10 Years of service to the university:

  • Grant Burcham, Veterinary Diagnostician, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Angela Chan, Laboratory Operations Specialist, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Rita Hilt, RVT, Farm Animal Ambulatory Service, Veterinary Hospital
  • Romeo Jorgji, Animal Care Technician, Veterinary Hospital
  • Amanda Newsom, Health Information Officer, Veterinary Hospital
  • Melanie Prouse, Lead Clinical Pathology Technologist, Veterinary Hospital
  • Michelle Schmierer, Clinical Pathology Technologist, Veterinary Hospital
  • Meggan Stanton, Bacteriology Senior Laboratory Technician, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Justin Terria, Assistant Director of Financial Affairs, Veterinary Hospital
  • Morgan Tolliver, Accounts Receivable Administrator, Veterinary Hospital

15 years of service to the university:

  • James Brown, Technical Support Analyst, PVMIT
  • Theresa Jeffrey, Veterinary Farm Manager, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
  • Tom Mauch, Director of Lifelong Learning, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Michelle Ruedin, System Administrator, PVMIT
  • Jennifer Smith, RVT, RLAT, Senior Instructional Specialist, Veterinary Nursing Program

20 years of service to the university:

  • Danielle Buchanan, RVT, Clinical Skills Laboratory Manager, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Angie Hilbun, Large Animal Senior Receptionist, Veterinary Hospital
  • Lara Luke, RVT, Dermatology Lead Veterinary Technician, Veterinary Hospital
  • Valery Patsekin, Research Scientist, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Susan Xioufaridou, Director of Alumni Relations & Special Events, Department of Veterinary Administration

25 Years of service to the university:

  • John Fisher, Admissions Process Manager, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Jennifer Nunan, Account Assistant, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Dr. Willie Reed, Dean Emeritus, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Nicole Rosen, Clinical Pathology Supervisor, Veterinary Hospital
  • Saralyn Sharp, RVT, VTS (CP-SA), Lead Veterinary Technician, Veterinary Hospital

30 years of service to the university:

  • Kyle Clever, RVT, Equine Ambulatory Service Shift Coordinator, Veterinary Hospital
  • Jason Lee, Senior Systems Engineer, PVMIT

35 Years of service to the university

  • Kathryn Ragheb, Laboratory Technician, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Ingrid Schoenlein, Research Assistant, Department of Basic Medical Sciences

40 Years of service to the university:

  • Elizabeth Baronowsky, Histology Laboratory Technician, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Carlene Linn, Associate Executive Assistant, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Pamela Phegley, RVT, Clinical Rotation and Mentorship Coordinator, Veterinary Nursing Program

The next group of honorees consisted of those who completed the online Certificate for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. The certificate program was developed in conjunction with the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges through the college’s Center of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. Congratulations to the following individuals who received their certificates for completing the program:

  • Dr. Em Adam, Clinical Veterinary Pathology Resident, Department of Comparative Pathobiology
  • Gisele Alvarenga, Instructional Designer, Department of Veterinary Administration
  • Chantalle Brown, Senior Academic Advisor, Veterinary Nursing Program
  • Dr. Emily Curry, Clinical Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine and Surgery, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
  • Beth Laffoon, RVT, Instructional Technologist, Veterinary Nursing Program
  • Jason Lee, Senior Systems Engineer, PVMIT
  • Dr. Marejka Shaevitz, Clinical Assistant Professor of Oncology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Dean Marsh with PVM staff members who earned their certificates for completing the Online Certificate Program for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine (left-right) Jason Lee, Chantalle Brown, Dr. Em Adam, Dr. Emily Curry, Beth Lafoon, RVT, and Dr. Marejka Shaevitz.
Dean Marsh with PVM staff members who earned their certificates for completing the Online Certificate Program for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine (left-right): Jason Lee, Chantalle Brown, Dr. Em Adam, Dr. Emily Curry, Beth Lafoon, RVT, and Dr. Marejka Shaevitz.

The final component of the recognition ceremony featured the presentation of Bravo Awards, which are given to employees who stretch beyond what is asked and achieve on another level in any of four categories: Moving the University Forward, Innovation and Creativity, Operational Excellence, and Fiscal Stewardship. Congratulations to the following Bravo Award recipients:

  • Wendi Boomsma, Senior Pharmacy Technician, Veterinary Hospital, for Moving the University Forward and Operational Excellence
  • Brett Creech, Senior Instructional Designer, Department of Veterinary Administration, for Moving the University Forward and Operational Excellence
  • Jennifer Danaher, Administrative Assistant, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, for Operational Excellence
  • Scott Fix, Lead Facilities Manager, Department of Veterinary Administration, for Operational Excellence
  • Morgan Haines, Large Animal Care Technician, Veterinary Hospital, for Operational Excellence
  • Michelle Jenkins, Account Clerk, Department of Comparative Pathobiology, for Operational Excellence
  • Chloe Morris, RVT, Anesthesia Veterinary Technologist, Veterinary Hospital, for Operational Excellence and Fiscal Stewardship
  • Jaime Nichols, Histology Laboratory Technician, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, for Operational Excellence
  • Lacie Plantenga, Anesthesia Veterinary Assistant, Veterinary Hospital, for Operational Excellence
  • Kimberly Sederquist, RVT, VTS (Cardio), Cardiology Veterinary Technologist, Veterinary Hospital, for Moving the University Forward
  • Nathan Wilkes, Senior Administrative Assistant and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Comparative Pathobiology, for Moving the University Forward and Operational Excellence
Dean Marsh with recipients of individual Bravo Awards (left to right) Brett Creech; Nathan Wilkes; Jaime Nichols; Lacie Plantenga; Chloe Morris, RVT; Kimberly Sederquist, RVT, VTS (Cardiology); Jennifer Danaher; and Scott Fix.
Dean Marsh with recipients of individual Bravo Awards (left to right): Brett Creech; Nathan Wilkes; Jaime Nichols; Lacie Plantenga; Chloe Morris, RVT; Kimberly Sederquist, RVT, VTS (Cardiology); Jennifer Danaher; and Scott Fix.

Dean Marsh then presented a team Bravo Award for Operational Excellence to the Veterinary Hospital’s Large Animal veterinary nursing and veterinary assistant team, which included:

  • Micah Black, Veterinary Assistant
  • Kyle Clever, RVT
  • Molly Cripe Birt, RVT
  • Allison Gossett, Veterinary Assistant
  • Caitlin Hall, Animal Care Technician
  • Blythe Heber, RVT
  • Emily Mullins-Higdon, RVT
  • Rita Hilt, RVT
  • Rebecca Hoffman, RVT
  • Julia Lehman, RVT
  • Anyssa Long, Veterinary Assistant
  • Allison MacKenzie, RVT
  • Carolyn McLaughlin, RVT
  • Jessica Schneider, RVT
  • Addison Taylor, RVT
  • Shannon Wallace, RVT
Dean Marsh and staff members who were present to receive a team Bravo Award for the large animal veterinary nursing and assistant team (left to right): Jessica Schneider, RVT (Swine Field Service); Allison MacKenzie, RVT (Equine Field Service); Rita Hilt, RVT (Bovine Field Service); and Kyle Clever, RVT (Equine Field Service)
Dean Marsh and staff members who were present to receive a team Bravo Award for the large animal veterinary nursing and assistant team (left to right): Jessica Schneider, RVT (Swine Field Service); Allison MacKenzie, RVT (Equine Field Service); Rita Hilt, RVT (Bovine Field Service); and Kyle Clever, RVT (Equine Field Service)

Next, a second team Bravo Award for Operational Excellence was presented by Dr. Marsh to the veterinary nursing and veterinary assistant team in Small Animal Internal Medicine, which included:

  • Jessica DeSutter, RVT
  • Brooke Ferguson, RVT
  • Bri Seiders-Kerr, RVT
  • Lara Luke, RVT
  • Brittany Memmer, Veterinary Assistant
  • Katie Stolarz, RVT
Veterinary nurses and assistants in Small Animal Internal Medicine were recognized by Dean Marsh for their team Bravo Award (left to right): Katie Stolarz, RVT; Brittany Memmer; Lara Luke, RVT; Bri Seiders-Kerr, RVT; Brooke Ferguson, RVT; and Jessica DeSutter, RVT.
Veterinary nurses and assistants in Small Animal Internal Medicine were recognized by Dean Marsh for their team Bravo Award (left to right): Katie Stolarz, RVT; Brittany Memmer; Lara Luke, RVT; Bri Seiders-Kerr, RVT; Brooke Ferguson, RVT; and Jessica DeSutter, RVT.

Following the award presentations, the attendees reconvened in the Veterinary Medical Library for a reception where they could enjoy refreshments and congratulate the honorees.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr, Susan Xioufaridou | pvmnews@purdue.edu

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