Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine Hosts Reception to Welcome New Dean Bret Marsh

New PVM Dean Bret Marsh is greeted by one of his former teachers, Dr. Ronald Hullinger, Professor Emeritus of Basic Medical Sciences
New PVM Dean Bret Marsh is greeted by one of his former teachers, Dr. Ronald Hullinger, Professor Emeritus of Basic Medical Sciences

Faculty, staff and students gathered at a reception in the Veterinary Medical Library Friday, November 8, to help extend a warm welcome the new dean of the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Bret Marsh.  The event marked the conclusion of the first week on the job for Dr. Marsh, who just started in the role Monday, November 4, after wrapping-up 30 years of service as Indiana State Veterinarian – the state’s top-ranking animal health leader.  Purdue University Provost Patrick Wolfe had announced Dr. Marsh’s appointment on October 24, following a national search for the successor to Dr. Willie Reed, who served 17-and-a-half years as dean and for whom the Reed Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory on campus is named.

At the reception, Dr. Kathy Salisbury, Purdue Veterinary Medicine associate dean for academic affairs, introduced Dr. Marsh as a Purdue alumnus who is a member of the DVM Class of 1984, which recently celebrated its 40th Class Anniversary.  Dr. Salisbury also noted that Dr. Marsh is a first-generation college student from rural Indiana and that he earned his bachelor’s degree in animal sciences from the Purdue College of Agriculture before enrolling in the veterinary college.

After listing some of his many accomplishments, Dr. Salisbury encouraged everyone to join her in welcoming Dean Marsh and helping to smooth his transition by assisting him in learning about all the different aspects of the college. 

Dr. Marsh was introduced at the reception by Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Kathy Salisbury
Dr. Marsh was introduced at the reception by Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Kathy Salisbury

As Dr. Marsh responded, he thanked Dr. Salisbury, who served as interim dean after Dr. Reed stepped down at the end of June.  He also thanked the faculty, staff and students.  “You have been very gracious to me on my first week here,” Dr. Marsh said.  He also shared how important it is to him to have the opportunity to meet the people in the college.  Pointing out that the Dean’s Office has three doors including one that faces the hallway, Dr. Marsh explained, “And I opened that hallway door and it’s been fascinating to see the reaction.  People said, I’ve seen that door but I didn’t know what was on the other side of it.  And I said, ‘it’s me!’”

Dr. Marsh added that many people have stopped in to offer their help and congratulations.  “I’m excited about the prospects for our college, our hospitals, our diagnostic lab, and our teaching opportunities for students. Our research has been phenomenal and I’m sure there are great opportunities for us in the future.”

Reception attendees who helped welcome Dean Marsh included Global Engagement Director Addison Sheldon and first-year veterinary student Gabriella Nelson.
Reception attendees who helped welcome Dean Marsh included Global Engagement Director Addison Sheldon and first-year veterinary student Gabriella Nelson.

Dr. Marsh then recalled how he had shared, when he visited the college as part of the selection process, that in his opinion, “…the next decade will be our college’s finest.  I believe that because I believe in you.  I believe in what we do and the way we go about it.” 

Dr. Marsh concluded his comments with a message of thanks.  “It’s an honor for me to be here. I appreciate very much all the work you do in your respective areas. It’s remarkable to me what you have accomplished and I want to make sure that we share that message not only across the state, but across the country and around the globe, because you touch the lives of a lot of people in very important and special ways.  And I want to make sure I continue to advocate for that as the university launches into this next decade.”

And, being a true Boilermaker at heart, Dr. Marsh was sure to end his comments with a hearty, “Boiler Up!”

Dr. Marsh with first-year veterinary students (left-right) Harrison Clark, Anne Troyer, and Karen Reyes Mon.
Dr. Marsh with first-year veterinary students (left-right) Harrison Clark, Anne Troyer, and Karen Reyes Mon.

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