Members of the visiting delegation from the Kitasato University School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences in Japan join together for a group photo at a farewell reception held in their honor: Dr. Hiromi Ikadai, Kitasato faculty advisor, and veterinary students (left – right) Ami Fukui, Chika Koyama, Shinichiro Yamamoto, Tatsuya Heishima, Yumeho Wakayama, and Yuuki Niikura.

Kitasato veterinary student Shinichiro Yamamoto, as well as all of the other members of the Kitasato delegation, took turns at the podium during the farewell reception to express, in English, their appreciation for the hospitality, activities, and learning opportunities they enjoyed during their visit to Purdue.
Six veterinary students and their faculty advisor from the Kitasato University School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences in Towada City, Japan, wrapped up a two-week visit to the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine Friday, August 24, with a farewell reception held in their honor in Lynn Hall, Room 1192. The Japanese veterinary students visited Purdue as part of a long-standing exchange relationship between Kitasato University and Purdue Veterinary Medicine dating back more than 20 years. During their stay, they spent time in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital gaining first-hand exposure to veterinary clinical education in the U.S. Their itinerary also included a variety of fun activities to introduce them to Indiana and area attractions and culture, including a summer picnic at Squirrel Park in Lafayette and visits to the Indiana State Fair and the Indianapolis Zoo.

Kitasato veterinary students and faculty pause for a photo-op after a lecture with Dr. Steve Thompson, PVM clinical assistant professor of small animal community practice and director of pet wellness.
“We’re sorry that you’re going to be leaving, but we’re really glad that you’ve been able to be here for the last two-weeks,” Dr. Jim Weisman, PVM assistant dean for student affairs, told the Kitasato delegation at the farewell reception. “We look forward to your visit every year, and we really enjoy having you here, adding to our cultural diversity in our college, and we hope that you’ve had a really good time.” Dr. Weisman also thanked all of those in the PVM family who helped host the Kitasato delegation, assisting with outings and the daily activities in Lynn Hall. “We appreciate your support for cross-cultural understanding and international education that really has gone above and beyond the call of duty,” Dr. Weisman said. “So, thank you to all of you who made this program possible.”
The students and their faculty advisor, Dr. Hiromi Ikadai, each expressed appreciation at the reception for the hospitality and learning opportunities provided for them during their visit.

Kitasato veterinary students shared that touching an elephant at the Indianapolis Zoo was among the highlights of their trip to Indiana. For some, this was their first visit to the U.S.