Fifth year veterinary students from Thailand (left-right) Pimpan Lertrattanakul, Luxsamon Wonglimkittigul, and Tanarut Laudhittirut are visiting the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine through July 9 as part of an international university exchange agreement between PVM and Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University School of Veterinary Medicine.
Three veterinary students from Thailand are visiting the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine thanks to an international agreement between Purdue Veterinary Medicine and the Chulalongkorn University School of Veterinary Medicine (CU) in Thailand. The Purdue International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) birthed this international arrangement in spring 2016 by creating a conversation about a potential partnership for both a cultural and educational exchange. The following year, PVM hosted three exchange students from CU, while CU hosted a group of six PVM students led by Dr. Samuel Yingst, adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Comparative Pathobiology.

The Thai exchange students also got to help host PVM’s students (front, left-right) Julia O’Rourke and Maddie Bryan when they visited Thailand earlier this year.
This summer, PVM has the pleasure of hosting three 5th year CU students: Tanarut Laudhittirut, Pimpan Lertrattanakul, and Luxsamon Wonglimkittigul. The students get to rotate through sections of the Small Animal Hospital that they are interested in, including: cardiology, anesthesiology, small animal surgery, small animal medicine, ophthalmology, and emergency and critical care. They are eager to be studying abroad, making international friends, and working with PVM’s up-to-date technology. The CU students are also excited for their upcoming trip to Niagara Falls as well as opportunities to try steak, milkshakes, and an American breakfast. They will be here through July 9, so be sure to give them a warm welcome if you see them around!
Earlier this year, the CU Chapter of IVSA Thailand hosted a visit to Thailand for four PVM students, showing them around the country and providing them exposure to multiple aspects of Thai culture and lifestyle during times when the students were not busy in the Wildlife Rescue Center. The goal for both sets of exchange students is to obtain broad exposure to veterinary medicine from multiple perspectives as they gain a deeper understanding of the veterinarian’s role in the global community.

Will Smith, III, PVM’s director of Global Engagement, and CU veterinary students visiting from Thailand give a thumbs-up to the exchange agreement between CU and PVM.