
Small Animal Hospital

We are passionate about your animal's dental and oral health, whether it's for routine cleanings or oral surgery.

Just as with humans, poor oral health has implications for the rest of the body that can seriously affect your animal's quality of life. We perform  cleanings, adjustments, filings, extractions, and repair of animals' teeth as indicated by their condition. We are passionate about your animal's dental and oral health, whether it's for routine cleanings or oral surgery.

You may schedule an appointment for your animal by calling our reception staff at 765-494-1107.

Schedule an Appointment

Call: 765-494-1107
24/7 Emergency Phone: 765-494-1107

Small Animal Hospital Entrances:

  • EMERGENCY - Small Animal Emergency
  • Entrance A - Lynn Hall Small Animal Lobby
  • Entrance B - David & Bonnie Brunner Small Animal Lobby

625 Harrison St
West Lafayette, IN 47907