Agricultural Animal Bioethics Curriculum Module 3

Please note that Modules 1-3 are currently being updated; content may be modified at a later date.

Module Lectures and Supplementary Materials

Module 3, Lecture 1: Sustainable Animal Agriculture and Environmental Ethics



  • Thompson, Paul. 2012. "Is Sustainability Worth Debating?" In Dane Scott and Blake Francis, ed.s, Debating Science: Deliberation, Values, and the Common Good. Amherst, NY: Prometheus.
  • CAST Issue Paper, September 2013. "Animal Feed Vs. Human Food: Challenges and Opportunities in Sustaining Animal Agriculture Toward 2050."
  • Leopold, Aldo. 1948. "The Land Ethic." In Leopold, A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There, pp. 201-226. New York: Oxford University Press.


Module 3, Lecture 2: Sustainability and Fisheries



  • Muir, James. 2014. "Fish, Feeds, and Food Security." Animal Frontiers, 3(1): 28-34.
  • Kenneth Black. 2008. "Environmental Aspects of Aquaculture." In Keith Culver and David Castle, eds., Aquaculture, Innovation and Social Transformation, Springer.
  • Felicity Huntingford. 2008. "Animal Welfare in Aquaculture." In Keith Culver and David Castle, eds., Aquaculture, Innovation and Social Transformation, Springer.
  • Lund, V, Medjell, CM., Röcklinsberg, H, Anthony, R and Hastein, T. 2007. "Expanding the Moral Circle: Farmed Fish as Objects of Moral Concern." Diseases of Aquatic Organisms: Disentangling Sociopolitical, Moral, Ethical and Scientific Aspects of Animal Welfare in Aquatic Organisms, 75: 109-118.
  • Anthony, R. and P.B. Thompson. 2004. "Biosafety, Ethics, and Regulation of Transgenic Animals," in S. Parekh, ed., Handbook of Genetically Modified Organisms–Mammalian, Microbial, and Plant Cells: Technologies, Economic Impact and Challenges (Humana Press), 183-205.


Module 3, Lecture 3: GMO Fish
