Atypical Canine Respiratory Illness

Case Definition

Currently a case definition does not exist for this condition.

Most reports involve dogs with acute respiratory signs that progress rapidly (1-3 days) to severe respiratory illness while others may exhibit mild clinical signs.

Submitting Suspect Cases

  1. Complete the Small Animal Submission Form (PDF) with a history of the dog’s respiratory illness. Dog owners are asked to work with their veterinarian to have samples collected and submitted to the ADDL.
    • The Canine Respiratory PCR Panel is our current recommendation for initial diagnostics.
    • Additional requests for aerobic culture and virus isolation are available but should be reserved for tissue and TTW/BAL samples.
    • We are asking for multiple samples (see Sample Collection below) to be submitted with any suspect case at this time to allow for further diagnostics to be performed as more is learned.
  1. Sample Collection:

    Antemortem Samples:
    • Two (2) Oropharyngeal Swabs or a Transtracheal Wash (TTW)
    • 1-3 mL of EDTA Blood
Postmortem Samples:
    • Fresh and Formalin fixed Lung and Trachea tissues
    • 1-3 mL of EDTA Blood if available

Additional Information

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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