Veterinary Clinical Trials
What is a Veterinary Clinical Trial?
Veterinary clinical trials are research studies that test the safety and effectiveness of new approaches to healthcare. With each study, we answer questions that help us find better ways to diagnose, prevent, and treat diseases. Veterinary clinical trials often also compare a new treatment to an existing one, allowing us to find the best treatments available. Finally, veterinary clinical trials allow us to evaluate new treatments for diseases in animals that also occur in humans.
Who is conducting the clinical trials?
Veterinary Clinical Trials are conducted by faculty of the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. When browsing through the list of Avian, Canine, Feline, and Equine clinical trials, each trial will list the Primary Investigator who is leading the trial. The Veterinary Clinical Trials Support Service, a division of the Center for Clinical Translational Research, helps researchers conduct clinical trials in the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital.
How are clinical trials conducted?
Every veterinary clinical trial has a protocol, or set of rules, for conducting the trial. The protocol describes what will be done in the study, how it will be conducted, who can take part, and why every part of the study is necessary. Some studies need healthy animals or only animals with a certain disease. Other studies focus on specific breeds or sexes of animals.
How are clinical trials approved?
All veterinary clinical trials are approved in advance by two independent committees, and monitored throughout by veterinarians, researchers, statisticians, and members of the community. They make absolutely sure the risks are small and are worth the potential benefits to our patients.
Do you have further questions about participating in our Clinical Trials? Then please read through our Frequently Asked Questions on Clinical Trials and review our additional information for Animal & Pet Owners.
Current Clinical Trials
If you are interested in or have more questions about participating in a trial, please contact:
Veterinary Clinical Trials
Purdue University
625 Harrison Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907